Welcome to my Musing Manor

–Mussgorsky Mouse

Pawn star man

Sunday, 1/7/2024

Saw the new Miyazaki movie yesterday. Someone in the lobby asked "How do you do?" and I answered "Great." They were wearing a black beret and a beige fabric trenchcoat. They asked the other party about their paper crowns. "Well, we're having a party," the party replied. "Yeah, I just saw them and immediately thought of Hereditary." the person explained. I ordered a lemonade and some sour patch kids at the food counter, and then we went inside. While trying to ignore the Cowboy Bebop trailer, I mused.

"Why do I feel like hating this person if all they ever did to me was ask me an unusual greeting in a context I found aesthetically displeasing? We have more in common than most siblings, really. We don't share as much of our DNA, but we still share a lot of our DNA. I'm socially awkward too; I just called the sour patch kids I was ordering "Sour Patch Children" and I'll do a whole lot worse if you leave me by my lonesome a while. Where does my hatred harbor? I'm not an ape anymore, so why must I hate someone whose facade I understand so well? They're not a monkey pretending to be an ape. I see no tail. And why would care about a monkey in my midst? We're all consiousnesses, eh? We all think. What's the matter with this social anxiety I'm feeling, thinking about what could happen if they sat down in the same row as me? If they do, I could just act strange as well. But I'm with friends right now. I don't want to lose their friendship, even for a moment, between my two masks. Moral: I'm sort of capable of enjoying myself in any situation, it's just not always beneficial to me."

The person did not sit down in my row.

Anyway, the movie started and I REALLLY liked it. 'Twas the dub, for the sub was out of town, but Willem Dafoe was the Noble Heron, so that was that. While I watched I mused.

"Which o' these laddies's gonna sell the moost merch?"

It was a short musing: the parakeets were the ones.

Anyhow, I just made this website today, so don't expect it to look like this for too much longer. CSS, I am coming for you. Pawn Star Man will become centered.